Are You Looking To Further Develop Your Sales Team?

Would you like individuals in your team to develop stronger relationships with prospects and customers?

Are you asking your team to engage earlier on deals to increase the possibility of securing budget?

Do any members of your team feel somewhat daunted when engaging with senior leaders at prospects and customers?

Are you looking to further develop their business knowledge?

Are you ready to take action?

Check out our programme for sales professionals (click below) designed to:

  • be easy and quick to enrol in, digest and complete
  • help a sales professional become more conscious in the variety of business settings in which they conduct their work and help them learn from those settings
  • help them better understand and navigate business leader thinking, corporate priorities and business outcomes
  • help quickly develop their big picture thinking, business acumen and ability to add business value
  • teach helpful simple practical tools and techniques for selling to C Level Executives
  • provoke thought and encourage them to engage more proactively and with more confidence
  • give them an opportunity to raise questions and discuss ideas

Click Here To Visit Programme For Sales Professionals Now

Four Ideas For Helping You As A Sales Leader

On this page are Four Ideas to complement the work you currently do to develop your people, the environment your people operate in, the external relationships that underpin your business success and the contributions you and your team make to your wider organisation. The Four Ideas are set out in detail further down this page and may be summarised as follows:

Ideas One And Two Help Sales Professionals Thought provoking business focused experiences designed to help you enhance the confidence, impetus and tools your sales professionals have to engage effectively with 'The Business' at prospects, customers and internally.

Ideas Three And Four Help Other Customer Facing Professionals To Help The Sales Effort  Experiences enhancing the commercial acumen of operations, technical and other customer facing professionals and giving them the impetus and confidence to consciously deepen relationships with customers. Sales is a team game.


'The more we invest in the people who work with and for our business, the more invested they become in the success of our business.'  

- Rob Evans

My work is available to augment your work in programmes and talks that are thought provoking, easy to fit within busy schedules and focused on execution. The talks and programmes are not meant to replace any of what you already do with your colleagues but to complement your work.  

Programmes are mobile enabled, self paced and punchy.  There is a short free programme available for you at the top of this page designed to provoke thought, share ideas and give you a flavour for the various programmes referred elsewhere on this page.

Talks are delivered at events, within management meeting discussions, at breakfast sessions or at lunch & learns as required.

The Four Ideas follow in detail. 

Introducing Ideas One And Two

Helping Sales Professionals Engage With 'The Business'

Our success is contingent upon the success of our people. The more confident, commercially capable and emotionally intelligent our people the better placed they are to deliver for us.

Ideas One and Two are both geared towards giving sales professionals confidence, tools and the impetus to engage with prospects and clients on a business level. They each provide an experienced business leader's perspective on what's required to build relationships with and ultimately sell to the business leaders that have the power to allocate and approve budget. 

Idea One: A Programme To Help Sales Professionals Engage Effectively With Business Leaders Who Control Budget At Prospects And Clients

Idea Two: A Talk Inspiring And Guiding An Audience Of Sales Professionals To Engage Proactively And Effectively With 'The Business' At Prospects And Clients

The talk title is 'They hold the budget and you hold the quota, how do you bridge the two?'

The talk description is 'How do we inspire others’ confidence in us?  To sell to ‘the business’ we need to think like a business leader.  How consciously do we build credibility and trust?  The more confident we feel the more proactively we are able to act.  The more we know the more confident we feel. How do we set about knowing what we don’t know? And what does effective relationship building with a business leader look like over time? This talks provides you with some perspectives.'

During this talk audience members will:

> gain a business leader perspective of what’s required to sell to business leaders

> learn a simple method for consciously building business leader relationships

> reflect on & be given impetus & confidence in their engagement with business leaders

Watch Intro Video

Ways To Improve Overall Business Performance

Looking Holistically At Our Business

'The customer knowledge and relationships held by non sales staff is often overlooked by organisations keen to develop new business. The better we can equip all our customer facing professionals with practical business and sales acumen, the likelier we are to succeed as an organisation.' 

- Rob Evans

Introducing Ideas Three And Four

Enhancing The Business Acumen Of Operations, Technical And Other Customer Facing Professionals

Sales is a team game. Operations, technical and other non-sales professionals naturally engage with customers on a day to day basis. Many organisations overlook that these individuals are often well placed to deepen relationships with customers and potentially encounter and develop new mutually beneficial business opportunities outside of a typical sales setting. 

Ideas Three and Four are both geared towards equipping customer facing professionals with straightforward tools for operating with enhanced commercial acumen, more confident conscious customer relationship building and a better understanding of customer environments and business dynamics such that they are more likely to deliver business outcomes and identify and develop commercial opportunities when they arise. 

Idea Three: This Is A Talk That Inspires And Guides An Audience Of Non-Sales Customer Facing Professionals Towards Being More Commercially Oriented

This talk is relevant if it would help to have others, outside of sales that interact with customers, being more alert to possible opportunities.

The talk title is 'Steering your career along the road ahead, how to stand out in the future of work.'

The talk description is 'We don’t know what the future holds. We do have some clues. It’s a time of great challenge. And great opportunity. We need to navigate our career whatever the circumstances. And in our role naturally we engage day to day directly with customers.  This puts us in a strong position to deliver tremendous value to our organisation. What do we focus on? What mindsets do we adopt? How do we operate? This talk provides you with a framework to stand the test of the most testing of times.'

During this talk audience members will:

> be inspired to consciously & proactively develop relationships and explore opportunities to find and help win business

> learn tools to help them become more commercial in outlook

> reflect on their contribution to the organisation beyond their direct role responsibilities

Idea Four: A Programme Inspiring And Guiding Operations And Other Non Sales Customer Facing Professionals In Having More Of A Sales Focus

'Organisations invest much in up front recruitment and much in ongoing remuneration, yet often organisations don't invest adequately in the development of their people. This is a significant missed opportunity. How much business is missed? Development is not only an investment in capability but also in positive business development energy.'

- Rob Evans

Watch Intro Video

Content Author

Rob Evans

Highly Experienced International Business Executive

Real World Operational Focus

Rob's content, insights and methodologies encapsulate the lessons of over three decades of international business experience and related research, observation and reflection. 

In a rich and varied international business career Rob has been:

  • Operationally engaged with over 150 businesses around the world
  • Closely involved in over 50 actual or potential acquisition transactions
  • A part of a senior management team that grew a South African domestic business into a dual listed technology group employing over 8,500 people and operating in over 80 countries
  • Nominated for the South Africa CFO Of The Year Award when serving as Chief Financial Officer of a $6.5 Bn turnover group  

'When I needed career advice at a major career junction, I turned to Rob for help and he quickly jumped on a call with me despite the time zone difference. 

I left that call with clarity and focus. 

I left that call feeling empowered, supported and super-sensible! 

I left that call knowing that I just needed to make my plan and execute it. 

This is how Rob helped me get to this point: 

-- Firstly, Rob effortlessly sets you at ease. Simply put, he's genuinely a nice guy, and you're going to feel that humility, energy, and warmth permeating every part of the consulting call with this corporate heavyweight as he makes an authentic and kind human connection with you. 

-- Secondly, he's going to ask you relevant straightforward questions about the situation that will help him draw a picture of what's happening in your career or organization, and help you be clear on what's happening in your head. 

-- Thirdly, expect valuable insights as your mind opens up to opportunities where you had only seen obstacles before, and finally expect him to point you to practical, actionable next steps to move you forward. 

It's all substance and no fluff drawn from his extensive and multifaceted career in the corporate world. 

What amazes me about Rob is: 

-- the ease with which he analyses the situation 

-- the accessibility and creativity of the ideas he shares 

-- the practical nature of the solutions he puts on the table 

This consultancy call was time well spent. As we say in Jamaica "Big up yuhself- Rob!!!" (*** To "big up" someone is to praise or recommend somebody strongly.***)

- Yvonne Chin Irving, Executive Director & Communication Consultant at CET

'I had the pleasure of working with Rob Evans whilst at Logicalis and I can't speak more highly about him. Not only is Rob incredibly insightful and knowledgeable, he is a genuine person and great fun to be around. Love his stuff.'

- Gary Lomas, Sales Director at Onnec Group

'I am a huge fan of Rob and encourage you to check this out, he has great insights  #improvedoutcomes'

- Gahn Lane, Vice President Global Channel Partners And Alliances at Pindrop

'Rob has very strong strategic and operational credentials having worked extensively around the world and held a wide range of financial, operational and M&A roles'

- Extract From Corporate Stock Exchange Announcement

'I would thoroughly recommend Rob's courses. He is a very successful and astute business leader with a wealth of experience to share.'

- Mark Graham, CIO at The Counselling Foundation

'Fantastic Practical Learning Experience'

- Mevin Anenden, Senior Client Manager at Logicalis

'All the critical issues we face in building a business are dealt with cleverly and interestingly'

- Chris Griffiths, Marketing Director at Travel A La Carte Ltd

'Rob has packaged his experience and research into a well thought out framework, delivered in an entertaining and easy to consume way'

- Lynn Murphy, Chief Executive Officer at Plugable Technologies

'Plenty of food for thought. It gets you to think of how you are running the business and gives you ways of improving'

- Ian Edwards, Business Manager at The Westgrove Group

'Loving the inspirational videos Rob!'

- Iqbal Singh Bedi, Founder Of Award Winning Intelligens Consulting

'Great Rob! Thanks to share so many content, rich content!'

- Ernesto Schlesinger, Founder Partner at Jequitiba Investimentos

'Rob Evans #Kudos. Thank you for always bringing your best self to work #InspirationalLeader.'

- Faizal Bahemia, Chief Commercial Officer at Innobox and Co-Founder of BGlam

'Liking your new venture very much and am sure will give you lots of great satisfaction helping people achieve even more'

- Subhash Ramatour, Finance Director at Macks Ltd

'Rob Evans Friday moments - genuinely some absolute gems of knowledge and tough questions to ask yourself all backgrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet'

- Chris Gabriel, Chief Strategy Officer at Sapphire Systems

'I look forward to your Question on a Friday Rob Evans'

- Gary Swale, Chief Engagement Officer at Inspirze Context Technology

'The second day of the 12 International MHRA Conference was opened with the amazing presentations by Rob Evans and Carlamaria Tiburtini.'

- Macedonian Human Resources Association (MHRA)

'Great session Rob. The ability to simplify and make sense of our complex and uncertain world is vital for leaders. Thank you.'

- Bob Morton, Past President at World Federation Of People Management Associations (WFPMA)

'Thanks to Rob Evans for being a fantastic co-panelist.'

- Carlamaria Tiburtini, Senior HRBP at Avio Aero - a GE Aviation Business

'Pleasure working with you!'

- Illya Baranyuk, Intern at MHRA

'Surrounding yourself with the people that will help push challenge and support you is so important - especially when you work on your own. Thanks for a great meeting Rob, I'm truly energised now!'

- Theresa Carnall, Marketing Coach at TBC Marketing

Curriculum For Your Short Free Programme

    1. Introduction

    2. A Quick Question For Us

    3. About Our Team

    4. What Kind Of Driver Are We?

    5. Helping Them

    6. Powerful Curiosity

    7. Your Way Forward

About this course

  • Free
  • 7 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

'Having knowledge we've acquired, methods we can draw from and encouragement we've received gives us the confidence and impetus to move beyond our comfort zone. When we move beyond our comfort zone we expand not only our possibilities but also those of the organisations we serve, namely our employer and our customers.' 

- Rob Evans